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ICE: Introduce, Cite, and Explain Your Evidence

ICE: Introduce, Cite, and Explain Your Evidence

Body paragraphs in educational essays contain proof that supports debatable main ideas that come in subject sentences, and writers that are responsible certain to introduce, cite, and explain quotes and paraphrases utilized as evidence.

INTRODUCE: Introduce all your quotes introductory that is using. Below are a few examples:

  • Relating to Michael Smith, “you should make use of the author’s first and last title when you cite that author for the first time in your paper” (1).
  • As Smith describes, “you can introduce a number to your quotes of different phrases” (1).
  • Smith shows that “if the introduction to your quote is not a dependent clause, it does not must be accompanied by a comma” (1).
  • Smith observes listed here in their article: “by using a colon to introduce a estimate, you will need a sentence that is complete the colon” (1).

CITE: Provide appropriate parenthetical citations for several quotes and paraphrases ( not summaries). Look at the style that is appropriate for guidelines, e.g. MLA, APA, and Chicago. Below are a few instructions for MLA design citation:

  • In the event that author’s title appears within the introduction to your quote or perhaps within the paraphrase, it doesn’t need to can be found in the reference that is parenthetical once the citations above illustrate.
  • The name must appear in the parenthetical reference if the author’s name does not appear in the introduction to the quote. Start to see the after exemplory instance of a cited paraphrase:

Some teachers at UM just simply take points away from your final paper grade if you don’t cite paraphrased or quoted product precisely (Smith 1).

EXPLAIN: be sure to explain your quotes. Offer analysis that ties them back once again to most of your concept / topic sentence. Or in other words, touch upon the data to be able to integrate it to the argument you’re making.

Here’s a typical example of a complete scholastic human body paragraph that illustrates ICE: introduction 123helpme, citation, and explanation:

These young teachers have just begun to understand and participate in the changing ecology of literacy described above, particularly in adopting a view that digital writing is worthy of attention in schools despite their competence as readers and writers. Grabill and Hicks argue that “using ICTs (Information interaction Technologies) isn’t sufficient; critically focusing on how these writing technologies help brand new literacies and significant interaction should additionally be a core curricular and pedagogical purpose of English training” (307). While our experience as teacher educators, specially in the context of Kristen’s course, shows us that adopting this perspective is difficult, we believe that you will find compelling reasons that are social do this.

(Sample paragraph obtained from web page 62 of Turner, Kristen Hawley, and Troy Hicks. “‘That’s maybe not Writing’: checking out the Intersection of Digital Writing, Community Literacy, and Social Justice.” Community Literacy Journal 6.1 (2011): 55-78. Print.)

Activity: With someone, work to fix the introductions and citations into the paragraph below.

Don DeLillo characterizes the United states National Identity as consumerism. The Gladneys are DeLillo’s depiction of this typical American consumerist household. “That night, a Friday, we collected at the television set, as ended up being the customized additionally the guideline, with take-out Chinese.” (DeLillo 64) In this excerpt DeLillo ritualizes the procedure of a household evening round the television. DeLillo will not just suggest that this might be a tradition passed on through tradition, rather utilizing the term ‘rule’ he could be invoking a moral imperative that elevates the function from a social trend to a religious ritual. An additional example where consumerism is ritualized Jack is viewing their child Steffie rest when, “She uttered two obviously audible terms, familiar and evasive at exactly the same time, words that appeared to have ritual meaning, section of a spoken spell or chant that is ecstatic. Toyota Celia (DeLillo 148).” This quote indicates that not merely is consumerism a ritual that is external it additionally permeates our unconscious to the level that we imitate commercials within our rest.