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Pat Oliphant's work a satirical history concept at Norman Rockwell Museum

Jennifer Huberdeau

UpCountry Magazine Editor/Features Digital Editor

STOCKBRIDGE — When the Clintons left the White home in 2001, you may keep in mind, they took a couple of products too numerous using them.

Some $28,000 worth of furniture — three sofas, a recliner, an ottoman, a table and four chairs, a rug and a pair of lamps — were returned while a majority of the items were genuine gifts to the former president and first lady. But coming back the lacking things and spending $86,000 for the gift ideas so that they can smooth things over didn’t stop governmental cartoonist Pat Oliphant from skewering the few.

Captured in A conte that is red crayon on display in the Norman Rockwell Museum, the Clintons are noticed running from the White home clutching the missing products and much more. Hillary, in household gown and apron, makes down with fine china dishes; Bill, in overalls, carries off a variety of things including a rug and a lamp. Oliphant plays up the “country bumpkin” lens through that the highly-educated few ended up being usually seen.

The drawing is a component of the exhibit that is special Oliphant: Editorial Cartoons from the Nixon and Clinton Eras,” which include features for the significantly more than 300 drawings, paintings and sculptures by Oliphant which were recently donated by the Louis and Jodi Atkin Family. The display is on display in the museum through might 31.

“Assembling Oliphant’s eyesight into a group which includes discovered a property in the Norman Rockwell Museum, talks to my belief that although Oliphant’s art will not illustrate Rockwell’s America, it can draw a proverbial line in the sand.