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Without a doubt about FCA payday loan caps: Your FAQs answered

Published by Dan Base, Financial Information Author

What is the worst pay day loan horror tale you have have you ever heard? Brand brand New FCA guidelines will restrict just exactly what they cost, ideally placing a final end into the worst instances. We examine the plans and whatever they'll suggest if you wish to borrow.

Today the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) confirmed some tough brand new guidelines when it comes to pay day loan industry which will activate at the beginning of 2015.

The FCA have actually stated: "for the majority of for the borrowers that do spend their loans back on time, the limit on charges and charges represents substantial defenses."

Listed here is a better consider what is changing and what this implies for borrowers.

Exactly just How is payday financing changing?

The FCA are making three major modifications to what pay day loan organizations may charge: